De golflengte van Onda Italiana is vrij.
Het is de frequentie van de Italiaanse radio in Amsterdam. Het is ook het begin van een cultureel avontuur dat theater, onderwijs, films en nog meer bevat.
Omdat cultuur de wereld kan veranderen, meer dan politiek en zelfs meer dan economie. Geloven jullie dat?

La lunghezza d'onda di Onda Italiana è libera.
È la frequenza della radio italiana di Amsterdam. Ed è anche l'inizio di un'avventura culturale che comprende teatro, didattica, cinema e altro.
Perché la cultura può cambiare il mondo, anche più della politica o persino dell'economia. Non credete?

zaterdag 30 juni 2012

Catharsis Ma Non Troppo (at Roode Bioscoop)

Theatre is still alive in De Roode Bioscoop, this small and cosy theatre in the heart of Amsterdam.
Yesterday evening a great show by two unique actors: Carlos Trafic and Grainne Delaney.
This evening and tomorrow the show will go on with Catharsis Ma Non Troppo. Don't think about it. Just go and see it!

donderdag 21 juni 2012

Eat Me

Food as culture? The culture of food? Find out tomorrow evening at Astarotheatro!
Friday the 22nd of June starting from 8 pm

Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds.
Crazy acts and interactive gastronomy.
Sense, non-sense and sensation between delicacies and booze.
Music, lounge, eat&drink.
Bar is open, buffet as well.
Acts & Artists:
‘Eat Me’: interactive performance with workshop > Roberto Bacchilega & Silvia Terribili
Band: Tora & Stefano Bocconi Band
Band: Dene’ & Stefano Bocconi Band
Tricky Taste: considerazioni organolettiche intorno al rosso e al verde
Tricky Taste: organoleptic considerations around red and green > Barbara Summa
DivaVonDada/AnaMontana > act
Michela Mazzeo > Dance
Announcer > Marina Vizzinisi & Friends

... more artists and friends are still joining right now...

donderdag 14 juni 2012

Souveniers from a Theatre Season (II)

(Thanks Tatjana Todorovic for this fantastic pictures!)


Souvernirs from a Theatre Season

Thanks Tatjana Todorovic for this fantastic pictures!
From: "Il Carnevale degli Insetti"

vrijdag 8 juni 2012

Vernissage > Dal Corallo La Gioia
Unieke sieraden van Michela Mazzeo geïnspireerd op coraal en de zee van Sicilië
Gioielli di unica fattura prodotti da Michela Mazzeo ispirandosi ai coralli e al mare di Sicilia
Acts&Entertainment: "Quelli di Astaroth"

The sea

The sea is in me, the sea is in you, the sea is in us

The sea should be free
We shouldn’t have to pay a fee

The sea is nice to see

I think of it as an endless space
With blue and black and liquid consistence
And waves like the ones of my transmissions

Then it’s an Aegean ferry sailing on the waters of the gods
Before a crisis killed us all

How could a Fellini movie image
Make the same Rimini of my youth
Into a beauty queen, a star, a bitchy sensual fantasy?
How could a flat sea, flat beach, flat sky
Low and slow
Be transformed into a ripple of emotions?

Time and space?
The migration of my soul
As borders are too fluid
To be worth considering

vrijdag 1 juni 2012

After the movie: debate

To watch a movie together can be an act of resistance. A soft revolution. 
More and more we are spending time in front of a screen: a tv-screen or a computer-screen, it doesn't matter. More and more we stay safely closed in our living rooms, unable to share ideas, opinions, emotions, sometimes not even with our partners and our family (if any). 
We communicate through screens, we have virtual friends on facebook and the like. 
We are individualistic, selfish and deeply lonely. We have lost the feeling for solidarity.

Catastroika is a documentary. It tells us the story of Greece and its crisis. And it goes beyond Greece to show us the 'side effects' of privatization, debt formation and neoliberalism.
Catastroika is freely available on the internet. The filmmakers want that everybody is able to see this doc on the web. That's fine but we need more than that. We need to meet, to encounter other people, we need to go to the 'piazza' and confront our opinions.
We need to share art and culture, to assist to events together. A theater piece, an exhibition are collective rituals. And after a movie we need to debate, and again, to share our impressions and ideas.
This is what we do this evening at 'Astarotheatro': we get out of our living rooms, we turn off our pathetic individual screens and we turn on a big and collective screen. We find solidarity again. And after the movie: debate!